
Since 1973, Spartacus Books is a non-profit, volunteer & collectively run bookstore & resource center. The store has been successfully run for over 40 years by a collective of volunteers, despite a 2004 fire at one location, and two renovictions, and one move since then. With support from our community, we have survived it all but sadly had to leave the DTES.

People come to our space to

  • read on the couches- use the free computers and internet connection
  • chat and network with diverse and interesting folks
  • learn about and advertise upcoming events
  • buy books, zines, magazines, comix and other paraphernalia relating to struggles against classism, racism, sexism, war, corporate greed, environmental destruction, and other institutional atrocities
  • attend movie nights, meetings poetry readings, and many other community events

Some of your responsibilities as a collective member will be

  • selling books, magazine, zines, etc.
  • getting new people into the store by postering, distributing Spartacus leaflets, etc.
  • helping out for events that happen at Spartacus by booking new events, – setting up the event space, being around when events go beyond regular store hours
  • creating a safe, inspiring space in the store
  • fundraising – organizing fundraising events, etc.
  • tabling for Spartacus at community events
  • staying up-to-date on Spartacus happenings
  • attending Spartacus Collective meetings (monthly)

Questions about volunteering? Contact us at volunteer@spartacusbooks.net, call as at 604-688-6138, or visit our store.

NOTE: Application intake is paused right now. We are working through a backlog of existing applications. Please check back later.